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Maltipom Breed Information

Paws Pattern
cute maltipom on a desk

The Maltipom is a captivating blend of the Maltese and Pomeranian, resulting in a hybrid pup that's as endearing in character as it is in appearance. Often referred to by various names like Pomanese, Malti-Pom, or even Pomanees, this breed has carved a niche for itself in the hearts of dog lovers everywhere. 

Being a first-generation crossbreed, the Maltipom combines the best of both worlds. From the Maltese, they inherit a gentle and loving nature, while the Pomeranian lends them a spirited and lively demeanor. These traits make the Maltipom a sought-after companion for families, singles, and seniors alike. 

One of the standout characteristics of this breed is their hypoallergenic coat, a blessing for those sensitive to pet dander. Whether you're welcoming a Maltipom puppy into your home or adopting an adult Maltipom, you're in for a journey filled with affection, playfulness, and countless memorable moments. 

BREED TYPE / MIX Hybrid / Maltese crossed with a Pomeranian ENERGY Moderate SHEDDING Minimum TRAINING Responsive TEMPERAMENT Affectionate, Alert, Friendly, Playful, Social ADULT WEIGHT 4-8 lbs ADULT HEIGHT 8-10 in LIFE SPAN 10-14 yrs


  • With a height ranging between 8-10 inches and a weight of 4-8 lbs, the Maltipom is the epitome of a compact, yet sturdy companion. Their petite stature is complemented by a well-balanced physique 
  • Their coat, often a blend of soft waves, is known for its minimal shedding qualities. This not only makes grooming a breeze but also endears them to those looking for hypoallergenic pets. The Maltipom can sport a variety of colors, each shade adding to their charm 
  • Their expressive eyes, paired with a dainty snout, convey a myriad of emotions, from curiosity to sheer joy. Their ears, sometimes perky, sometimes floppy, add to their overall allure 
  • Possessing moderate energy levels, they're always up for a game or a short walk. However, they're equally content curling up beside you for a nap 
  • Being responsive learners, Maltipoms pick up commands and tricks with relative ease. Their eagerness to please makes training sessions both productive and enjoyable 
  • They thrive on interaction, be it with humans or other pets. Their friendly nature ensures they're often the center of attention in any social gathering 
  • With proper care, these hybrids can accompany you for a good 10-14 years, filling your days with love and playful antics 
maltipom dog white


The Maltipom, a delightful blend of the Maltese and Pomeranian, boasts an appearance that effortlessly captures hearts. Their unique physical attributes are a testament to the best features inherited from both parent breeds. 

Petite and compact, the Maltipom typically stands between 8-10 inches tall and weighs between 4-8 lbs. Their small size makes them perfect lap dogs, but don't be fooled, they carry themselves with a confidence that belies their stature. 

One of the standout traits of the Maltipom is their luxurious coat. Depending on which parent they take after more, their fur can range from the long, silky strands of the Maltese to the dense, fluffy coat of the Pomeranian. This often hypoallergenic coat is a major draw for many potential pet owners. 

The Maltipom can sport a variety of coat colors. From pristine whites and creams reminiscent of the Maltese to the vibrant shades of sables, blacks, and blues from the Pomeranian lineage, there's a Maltipom hue to suit every preference. 

Their face is a canvas of expressiveness. Bright, almond-shaped eyes paired with a button nose convey a myriad of emotions, from playful mischief to loving affection. Their ears, which can either stand erect or droop slightly, add to their overall charm. 

The Maltipom's tail often curls over their back, flaunting their fluffy fur. Their petite paws, while small, are sturdy, supporting their playful antics and explorations. 

The Maltipom's appearance is a harmonious blend of elegance and playfulness. Whether they're prancing around in a park or resting in your lap, their beauty and charm are undeniable, making them a favorite among dog enthusiasts and families alike. 


The Maltipom stands out not just for their captivating looks but also for their vibrant and distinctive personality. This enchanting hybrid brings together the best of the Maltese and Pomeranian worlds, resulting in a temperament that's both refreshing and delightful. 

The Maltipom is known to form deep, heartfelt connections with their family. Their loyalty is unwavering, and they often become the shadow of their favorite human, following them from room to room. 

Don't let their petite size fool you. The Maltipom is a vigilant protector of their domain. They're quick to sound the alarm if they sense anything amiss, making them surprisingly effective watchdogs for their size. 

Bursting with energy, the Maltipom is always ready for a game. Their zest for life is infectious, and they have a knack for turning even the simplest activities into joyful play sessions. 

This breed thrives on positive feedback. They're always eager to please their loved ones, making them responsive and enthusiastic participants in training sessions. 

With a natural sense of curiosity, Maltipoms love exploring their surroundings. Whether it's a new toy, a different room, or a fresh patch of grass, they approach everything with wide-eyed wonder. 

While they cherish their playtime, Maltipoms also appreciate the quieter moments. They're content to snuggle up beside their human, making them perfect companions for both active households and more relaxed settings. 

The Maltipom offers a temperament that's a blend of loyalty, playfulness, and curiosity. Their distinctive personality traits ensure they're not just pets but cherished companions, bringing joy and warmth to every home they grace. 



The Maltipom, with their luxurious coat and endearing looks, requires consistent grooming to maintain their radiant appearance and overall health. While their coat is often celebrated for being hypoallergenic, it does come with its own set of grooming needs.  

The Maltipom's coat can range from wavy to curly, and regular brushing is essential to prevent tangles and matting. Using a soft-bristle brush, gently comb through their fur at least 3-4 times a week.  

It's advisable to give your Maltipom a gentle wash every 3-4 weeks. Using a mild dog shampoo can help retain the natural moisture of their skin and coat. 

Their ears can be a hotspot for dirt and wax buildup. Regularly checking and cleaning their ears with a vet-approved solution can prevent potential infections. 

Maltipoms benefit from regular dental care. Brushing their teeth a few times a week and providing dental chews can help maintain oral health and freshen their breath. Regular nail trimming, preferably every 3-4 weeks, ensures their nails don't become overly long, preventing potential discomfort or injury. 

While regular home grooming is essential, occasional visits to a professional groomer can be beneficial. They can provide a thorough cleaning, trim, and even suggest specific grooming products tailored to your Maltipom's needs. 

Grooming your Maltipom is more than just maintaining their appearance, it's about ensuring their comfort and health. With consistent care and attention to their grooming needs, your Maltipom will not only look picture-perfect but also feel vibrant and lively. 


Exercise Needs

Every Maltipom is a bundle of joy, wrapped in a flurry of fur, waiting to unleash their energy in the most delightful ways. While they might fit perfectly on your lap, their zest for life demands more than just cuddles. 

Start the day with a gentle play session. Toss a toy or play a light game of fetch. It's a great way for both of you to stretch your muscles and gear up for the day. 

Instead of the usual route, why not explore a new path? Maltipoms are curious creatures, and a change of scenery can be both stimulating and refreshing for them. A couple of short walks daily should keep them happy and healthy. 

On days when outdoor activities might be limited, interactive toys can be a lifesaver. Puzzle toys or treat-dispensing gadgets can keep them engaged and mentally stimulated. 

Organize playdates with other small breeds. It's a fantastic way for your Maltipom to socialize and expend energy. Plus, watching them make new friends is always heartwarming. 

Hide treats or toys around the house and watch your Maltipom turn detective. It's both a mental and physical exercise rolled into one. Wind down with a calm cuddling session. It's a gentle reminder that after all the day's adventures, there's no place like home (or your lap). 

While Maltipoms have moderate energy levels, it's essential to strike a balance. Over-exertion can be as harmful as lack of exercise. Tune into their cues and ensure their exercise routine is as unique and delightful as they are. 



The radiant spirit of a Maltipom is truly a sight to behold. Behind those twinkling eyes and playful antics lies a responsibility to ensure they lead a healthy and vibrant life. While the Maltipom is generally a hearty breed, being aware of their specific health needs can make all the difference. 

Every Maltipom deserves a diet that fuels their zest for life. Opt for high-quality dog food that caters to their size and energy levels. Fresh water, combined with occasional healthy treats, ensures they're both happy and nourished. 

A visit to the vet isn't just for when they're feeling under the weather. Regular check-ups can help spot potential issues early on, ensuring your furry friend stays in tip-top shape. 

Those adorable smiles hide tiny teeth that need care. Dental issues can be common, so regular brushing and dental treats can help keep gum diseases and other oral problems at bay. 

Their petite size means even a little extra weight can be a concern. Regular weigh-ins and portion-controlled meals can help maintain an ideal weight, ensuring they remain agile and playful. 

As they age, some Maltipoms might face joint issues. Soft bedding, gentle play, and supplements, if recommended by the vet, can help in keeping their joints healthy. Their expressive eyes and perky ears are not just for show. Regular cleaning and checks can prevent infections and ensure they remain alert and curious about the world around them. 

Regular grooming isn't just about looking good. It's also an opportunity to check for skin issues, lumps, or any other abnormalities. The health of a Maltipom is a journey, one that you embark on together. With love, care, and timely attention to their needs, you can ensure that your Maltipom companion enjoys a life filled with joy, play, and countless cuddles. 



The journey with a Maltipom is a tapestry of cherished moments, woven together over years of shared experiences. These little companions, with their boundless enthusiasm and heartwarming presence, have a lifespan that is filled with memories that last a lifetime. 

On average, a Maltipom graces our lives for about 10-14 years. These years are not just a measure of time but a testament to the countless moments of joy, laughter, and love they bring into our homes. 

While the number of years is essential, what truly matters is the quality of life we provide them. A well-cared-for Maltipom, with regular vet visits, a balanced diet, and ample love, often enjoys a life that's not just long but also vibrant and fulfilling. 

As they age, their playful antics might give way to more serene moments. Their pace might slow down, but their affection only deepens. Embracing and cherishing these golden years can make the journey even more special. 

While the thought of their limited lifespan can be saddening, it's essential to remember that the impact they leave on our hearts is immeasurable. Every Maltipom creates a legacy, one of unwavering loyalty, boundless love, and unforgettable memories. 

The lifespan of a Maltipom is a reminder of the fleeting nature of life. But, in the time they share with us, they teach us about unconditional love, living in the moment, and the joy of simple pleasures. Every day with a Maltipom is a gift, a chance to create memories that, while they might outlive them, will forever remain imprinted in our hearts. 



Training a Maltipom is like embarking on an adventure filled with discovery, bonding, and mutual respect. These petite wonders, with their keen intelligence and responsive nature, are always eager to learn, making the training journey both rewarding and delightful. 

Building Trust: The foundation of any successful training regimen is trust. Before diving into commands and tricks, spend time bonding with your Maltipom. Understand their likes, dislikes, and quirks. This mutual understanding paves the way for more effective training sessions. 

Positive Reinforcement: Maltipoms thrive on praise and affection. Using positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats, verbal praise, or a gentle pat, can motivate them to learn and adhere to commands. Celebrate their achievements, no matter how small, and watch their confidence soar. 

Consistency is Key: These little furballs are smart, and they'll quickly pick up on inconsistencies. Whether it's a command or a routine, maintaining consistency ensures they don't get confused and understand what's expected of them. 

Socialization: Introducing your Maltipom to different environments, people, and other pets at an early age can mold them into well-rounded and sociable adults. Regular playdates, visits to the park, or even a stroll in a bustling area can provide valuable socialization experiences. 

Addressing the Little Challenges: While they're generally eager to please, Maltipoms can sometimes showcase a stubborn streak. Instead of getting frustrated, try to understand the root cause. Maybe they're bored, or perhaps a command is too complex. Breaking down tasks and introducing variety can often address these challenges. 

Continuous Learning: Training isn't a one-time task. As they grow, introducing new commands, tricks, or even agility exercises can keep their minds sharp and engaged. Plus, it's a fantastic way to strengthen your bond and spend quality time together. 

Training a Maltipom is less about strict commands and more about understanding, patience, and mutual respect. It's a journey where both of you learn and grow, creating a bond that's built on trust, love, and countless shared experiences. 


The Maltipom, often recognized by various names such as Pomanese or Malti-Pom, is a captivating hybrid that has garnered significant attention in recent years. While the breed itself is relatively modern, their lineage traces back to two ancient and revered breeds: the Maltese and the Pomeranian. 

The Maltese, known for their silky white coat and gentle demeanor, has roots that stretch back over two millennia. Originating from the Mediterranean island of Malta, this breed was adored by royalty and commoners alike. Their regal appearance and affectionate nature made them a favorite among many historical figures, from ancient Roman emperors to English queens. 

On the other hand, the Pomeranian, with their fluffy coat and spirited personality, hails from the Pomerania region, which spans modern-day Poland and Germany. These small yet vivacious dogs were once much larger sled-pullers. Over time, they were bred down in size, becoming the beloved lapdogs we recognize today. Their popularity skyrocketed in the 18th century, thanks to Queen Victoria's fondness for the breed. 

The fusion of these two iconic breeds gave birth to the Maltipom. As a first-generation crossbreed, the Maltipom was designed to combine the best attributes of both parent breeds. The aim was to create a dog with the Maltese's elegance and the Pomeranian's lively nature, all wrapped up in a hypoallergenic coat. 

Today, the Maltipom stands as a testament to the success of this breeding endeavor. They've become increasingly popular among dog enthusiasts, especially those seeking a companion that's both affectionate and alert. The Maltipom is a breed that seamlessly blends history, beauty, and charm.