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Using the palace
July 21, 2018, 9:59 AM- Q: My 9 week old teddy bear pup is tearing up the puppy pad in his palace! He hasn't gone in there since we've been trying. When we put him in there, he just cries. We've left him in there until he falls alseep, but he still will not poo or pee in there! When we take him out, he'll pee or poo on the floor. Advice?
- A: The answer depends on your long term goal. If it is indoor pad training you have to leave him in the palace until after he eliminates, that creates the opportunity for praise. If you let him out before then he will eliminate on the floor and you are left with only reprimands and corrective measures. It sounds like you are on the right track so far as leaving him alone until he stops crying, if you are consistent he will adapt. Tearing up the pads is an expression of boredom, here is some info that may help: Using interactive chew toys such as Starmark Everlasting Treat, Kong Quest or Traxx, Nylabone Romp n Chomp or processed bones or antlers (Blue Buffalo).